Friday, November 5, 2010

Little Orange Alien Surfer Guy

My favorite of the comments people displayed on the DVD to ART "Wailing Wall Quilt":

"Ignore alien orders." --Joe Strummer (from The Clash)

I'd taken this photo one evening while bink was finishing "The Wave."
Naturally I always have some little plastic guy on hand; but I don't obey them.


  1. Yes! Joe Strummer! I got to see the Clash in SF back in the day.

    I have to show you a birthday gift I just received (include 1 little alien guy!)

  2. Rules for Life:

    Ignore alien orders.

    Wear the T-shirt you choose.

    Return to the heart which you have removed.

    More Shatner.


  3. Don't trust anyone under 50.
    --Abby Normal

  4. How do you know that little alien isn't using mind control on you already? That's what I want to know.
