Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Postcard Painting #1: Cold Day, My Teapot

Last night, the windchill fell to -25ºF here in Minneapolis. I stayed in and painted a postcard-size watercolor of my teapot.

Today it has warmed up to -9º.
I'd love to have a little pile of postcards of everyday objects. I was inspired by Maureen who finished 100 paintings in 2012.


  1. cézannesque, not that you are "esque" at all. given what i know about time and parabolas (giggle), maybe paul was a little frescaesque.

    what i really wanted to mention was a whom, not a what: naomi schor. sadly, she has passed on. but she once wrote a book about details, and a friend of mine was serving as her servile research assistant. there was much running back and forth with big huge books about postcards. i would take the 30 seconds to look up the title, but thinking about schor still makes me very sad.

    actually, i also have built up huge layers of shame for how i behaved in one of her husband's seminars. it was on medieval misogyny and he was just way way way too into it, and i usually arrived at late afternoon seminars half drunk.


    i like your teapot.

  2. BIANCA: I have some shame about dropping out of a class on French Feminist Literature because I couldn't bear to write a paper on Violette Leduc's... what's the name of her famous (?) book?
    I looked it up:
    "La Bâtarde"
    I think I remember that I just couldn't think of anything to say, which is very rare for me.
    (Maybe I should try reading it again and see what stumped me.)
    I was 17.

    And then I looked up Naomi Schor--
    These are the title of her books, via Wikipedia
    (I love the 1st title "Bad Objects"):

    "Bad Objects: Essays Popular and Unpopular"
    "George Sand and Idealism, Gender and Culture Series"
    [THIS MUST BE THE ONE...]"Reading in Detail: Aesthetics and the Feminine"
    "Breaking the Chain: Women, Theory, and French Realist Fiction"
    "Zola’s Crowds"
